Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2011

Well, we’re all into 2011 regardless of where in the world you live. I’ve managed to avoid making any new year resolutions, because we all know where they end up.  I’d already made my plans for 2011 as far as weight loss is concerned, and intend to reach my target of 81kg by 31/12/2011.  I reached the goal of 134kg by the end of 2010, weighing in at 133.25kg just 250g (that’s about the weight of a mug of coffee) short of a 25kg loss.  The last few days have been a bit of a struggle, the weight seems to have hit one of those dreaded plateaux. I’ve had them before but they have not lasted more than a few days.  I think the hot weather knocked me about a bit, and my body tends to store fluids when the hot weather hits – and I have felt a bit weak and lethargic too (could be dehydration)  It has been a struggle to get on the exercise bike or walk for 30 mins, but I have managed to force myself.

STOP PRESS - 3/1/2011  - Plateau ended abruptly 131.9kg today, which is just below the most optimistic target I had for 2010 - just 3 days too late  

Here are the targets for 2011:
End of December - 134kg (Exceeded - 133.25kg)
End of January - 127kg
End of February - 121kg
End of March - 115kg
End of April - 110kg
End of May - 105kg
End of June - 100kg
End of July - 96kg
End of August - 92kg
End of September - 89kg
End of October - 86kg
End of November - 83kg
End of December - 81kg TARGET WEIGHT

I suspect that by the time I get to about 110kg I will be well advised to join a gym – unless I can get my own weights and other equipment. My exercise bike is already starting to breakdown (the pedals seem to be slipping intermittently, especially when under pressure) I suspect it is a loose chain or something, but it is a major, major job to get inside it to fix the problem. When I’ve lost another 10kg or so I’d like to get a real bike and hit the road.
To sum it up, I am very pleased with myself to have got to where I am.  I have integrated healthy eating and exercise into my life, and I am a third of the way to the goal. Taking off another 50kg might allow my spine to decompress (although much of the damage is irreversible), even now after 25kg it is much easier, and it has been about 2 months since I needed to take the Celebrex or Panamax.
Anyway – hope you have a good January, enjoy your summer if in Australia, and hang in there if you are weathering the northern winter, it won’t last forever (even if it seems like it at times)

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